Thursday, 14 May 2015

Changing The World From The Children Up

Very recently I was lucky enough to be invited to be one of 12 faces of a new fascinating project called #BehindTheFace Future Cities. An augmented reality platform that brings influential thinkers to talk about how they are contributing to a better future of London across their sector of society.
In my work now to try to support more child literacy in the UK, I have had to do some extensive research and in particular for a new groundbreaking platform I am developing to support the way children view and appreciate reading, the findings have been enlightening.

It proved to me just how much work indeed we have to do to truly make a difference in influencing young minds, in a generation so influenced by the media, social media and technology. Peer pressures have changed from even as little as 10 years ago, affecting children as young as 6 and the surrounding influences are driving children to move further and further away from developing their real selves.
So many young children are now growing up with false beliefs over the correct body image, what is REAL happiness, who are positive role models, how to treat each other, terms of speech, expectations in a emotional or physical relationships and what's generally regarded as cool.

Often times, the harsh reality of this is that parents will have minimal control over where these ideologies and beliefs are coming from and how they ingrain themselves in the child's mind.  This is so, in particular as children pass 8 years old! I have found from my own experience, that many parent are oblivious of their 'little babies' development and understanding of life and in what they are hearing or being told in the playground.
And unfortunately it isn't anymore just a psychological or mental issue, with processed foods, GMO and a generally polluted life, we can see for ourselves that children's bodies are developing differently than as little as 30 years ago. Teenagers are developing much younger and hormones are being altered even by the water they drink. All this ensures that from an even younger age, their minds are developing a lot quicker. Nowdays you will see 10 year olds looking and behaving like 14 year olds. This is a drastic shift parents are going to have to adjust to as it's not just physical but emotional and mental.

We are entering a new reality. That's a fact, you just need to take a good look around and you can see this. Are there any solutions? I have recently come to ponder on this very question myself and I guess these are my conclusions:

  • Give children more natural, uncontaminated unprocessed foods from a young age. Making effort to research ways that children will find enjoyable eating more natural. Healthy is as cheap as rubbish foods, no one is saying to stock up on Whole Foods Spirulina or expensive superfoods like that. Fresh fruit and especially vegetables are very cheap from market stalls and big supermarkets such as Asda or Lidl. Put some effort to research simple nutritious recipe ideas on the train from work. Remember, killing with kindness is still killing. And it's only the kids that will suffer down the line, be it with getting bullied or teased at school for being fat, oily skin, spots, side effects of unbalanced hormones etc. Often these are things highly connected to diet.
  • Encourage from a young age kids to develop a physical hobby and encourage through incentives, a way for them to stick to it! Remember kids won't always gravitate towards anything by themselves. It is good to push them into things against their comfort zone, especially if it's for their health and wellbeing! They will learn to get into a routine out of no choice and later as they grow, be excited about experimenting with different activities as movement is now part of life. 
  •  Show them the value of voluntary work. The idea of giving without looking for physical or monetary rewards. This is a precious skill to learn in today's society, where everything is so much about quick fix and self gratification. This is a quality that will develop their awareness about society outside of their clique of friends and family and give them a feeling a responsibility to make a difference in the world,  be it through through voluntary initiatives or through their career path. 
  • Invest more time in developing their minds outside of school. Reading is such a gift you can give your child that opens their minds and has life long positive effects.  

    UNESCO states that:

    “Literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their Knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society.
  • Help kids from a young age develop a routine with a creative hobby such as art, building, designing. I will write a blog soon on some great ideas for every type of child. This helps them develop a connection to themselves.
  • Limit your own internet or phone time in front of children. Often the problem lies with the parents being addicted too.  I often see parents complaining about their kids always wanting the phone, but on other occasions always see the parent on their phone too or the nanny glued to her screen. So the children see it is normal to want to watch lots of TV, browse Instagram and play Candy Crush Saga. Lead by example. If you can't help yourself, do it away from sight! Use 'leading by example' as away to improve your life too. Investing more time in reading, painting, cooking or baking, writing journals, fixing together puzzles, building things. Your life will feel less routine and boring as well.
  • Talk to your children about the dangers out there by browsing online. Use shock tactics and share scary examples to make them very cautious. Communication about everything from sex, internet, body changes there are all things many parents confess to avoid discussing. The trick with kids is to keep it light, humorous and not directed personally. Don't leave it till they are teenagers or pre-teen when even the mention of this subject is horrifying. Parents are overprotecting sometimes and don't want to expose their kids to subjects too young, but trust me, you wont be there the first time they hear or see things beyond their years. You probably will never find out either. So best to prepare them for that moment, as it WILL come much sooner that you wish to believe.
  • Spirituality. Many parents don't even know how to go down this route, some call it religion even. Spirituality for children is about teaching them about their inner gifts, qualities, teaching them they always have a choice to connect with the right choices, to think about others, to think that their words have a responsibility, to appreciate what they have, to believe they can achieve anything if they work for it and so on. My example on this is Spirituality For Kids Foundation which I volunteered many years with in schools across London. Seeing how children from difficult backgrounds gained inner strength and confidence in who they were, no matter their circumstances, has forever imprinted itself in me.  After all you can become a millionaire business woman or man, but be truly unhappy because you don't know what real happiness means, and that is sad.  So many adults walk around hopeless or trapped because they lost touch with who they really are.  Educations must start at from childhood.
We have a lot to do as community members, teachers, families, government and society as a whole if we are to protect and support the future generation in their unfortunate task of fixing our planet.

There are many changes that can be implemented and fought for, however the main message for now is that change and charity starts from home and community. Each one of us can do more, help more, support more one other person or a bigger cause you believe in. But the change will really come from the kids.... so let's make it count!